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the little things in
life that really make my days go right:
starting to make things happen
indian cotton shirts
eight ball
fluorescent-bright food stores
a wish-box
western sundowns
the medley of laughs
sleeping with a jacket over you
juicy hamburgers
campfire parties in the desert
barbecued baby spareribs with a special sauce
no problem
the bottom of the grand canyon
watching tv with a pack of chips and a coke
finally getting off the ground
beer signs
breakfast cooked over
an outdoor fire
open signs
nocturnal drinking expeditions
the midnight hungries
sexy people
believing in yourself
being on the beat
laughing till you cry
the promise of untold adventure
sunglasses and shadows
loud radios
coin pinball machines
sunshine and weekends
devil´s food
beach scenes
standing up for yourself
steaming coffee
campfire songs
deep country
a straight black shirt
long days at the beach
abandoning all civilities
singing under the shower
riding the wind
first impressions
cliffs like cathedrals and trees growing out of rocks
liking others
accepting others
laughing with others
the one cube left by the person being too lazy to refill the ice
picnic groves
the first scratchy campher smelling sweater of the season
old pairs of sneakers with tales to tell
deep and calm feelings
great escapes
falling asleep to music
relative humidity
that´s the ticket
wiggling your toes in the sun
overlooking a bay
two-for-one sales
sleeping late
no expiration dates
observing people and writing down what you think they think
taking a weekend trip by yourself
sunlight creating a dappled pattern through the trees
black outside-squishy inside
pizza samples
palm trees
red wine and one-inch-thick
peeking out from under sunglasses
the kind of girl summer nights were made for
your first love
watching your blood pressure as it is taken
twilight hour
drinking beer
eating pretzels and peanuts
tuning the radio to a top 40 station
the twang of a guitar
long after-dinner talks
campfire wood
hilltop towns
mail that is not all bills
summer rain
foreign coins
sometimes just having to say what the hell!
winning games
cranky guitars in a rock song
stomping in mud puddles
fooling around
pushing your luck
popcorn popping all over the room
lazy days and crazy nights
riding a roller coaster
when no day is friday 13th
being too busy to notice
reveling in time alone
the few seconds of pleasure before the aftertaste of a diet drink sets in
tic-tac-toe in the dirt
once upon a time...
a country mile
o.o.c.=out of control
the dark line of a storm on the horizon
bikini season
cold showers in the morning
getting quite drunk for a good reason
being someones pillow
popcorn-and-tears movies
the solid sound of a good door shutting
the head-for-the-beach-anyway plan
the points the wipers cannot reach
having a story to tell
making plans
stone-washed jeans
good vibration
the smell of hot coffee
conspicuous consumption
eating your junkfood at home
going jogging at sunset
being the friend of somebody
crazy socks peeking out
playing the guitar and singing out of tune
wooden booths
sleeping bags
...just five more minutes
heat of the moment
bright-blue-sky blue
not thinking about tomorrow
when travelling taking twice the money and half the clothes you need
stolen kisses by the firelight
the grinding undertone of stones
watching shooting stars go by
garlic-butter sandwiches
enveloping yourself with calm
nourishing your senses and soul
having one credit card
stereo till your ears blow off
wearing your hair long
leaving work early the day before a holiday
airbrushed t-shirts
life the universe and everything
comics and cartoons
velvet quilts
birds singing in the morning
taking action
vinyl records
street art
too-hot-to-cook weather
tunnel of love
a cozy bed in a chilly night
reading the last page of a good book
dry clothes after a wet walk in the rain
knowing the answer
love as a contact sport
a bathroom with great acoustics
target-indicator flares (candles on pub tables)
the rites of spring
getting a lift in the dead of night
the itch on that part of your back you cannot reach
improvised umbrellas
mental incapacipation as a cause of a severe hangover
traces in the sand washed away by the tide
the amusement caused by passport photos
pretending still to sleep
unplugging the phone
keep smiling
tons of chocolate.
rock and roll.
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